The 411 Magazine issue 3 | Page 35

STYLE Pop open a cold one with this guitar bottle opener Share your patriotic smile with Violent Lips USA fl ag lip tattoos (they are temporary and fabulous!) 4 TH Place these stylish solar- powered Threshold outdoor lanterns around your patio for a soft glow as the sun sets. They are weather and water resistant, perfect all year round. www. Understated patriotic style is easy with this offi cial vintage Rolling Stones tank top. www. OF JULY A US party staple, the classic red cup! A 4th July celebration essential. Check local stores for stock availability. Gather around the campfi re or get comfy at the beach with this super soft water melon blanket. Capture all those Independence Day pics with this new Jessops compact camera that brings portability, sharp quality photos and great video content. Coyote Outdoor Living have launched a new indoor/ outdoor table top Electric Grill. The Electric Grill will turn any outdoor space, large or small into a true outdoor living environment. The Electric Grill has a sleek, attractive silhouette and may be conveniently placed on a table, pedestal stand or built into an island or cabinet of your choice. Perfect for 4th of July celebrations! Christopher Knight wicker patio tear chair swing. 35