We get fat because of the carbohydrates we eat . If you want to burn fat and become lean , you must accept this fact right now and you must hold this truth sacred .
When you restrict carbohydrates in your diet , you will become leaner . This is an absolute fact . When you increase your carbohydrate consumption , you will get fatter . This is not disputed . This is simply a matter of the human body ’ s response to your hormones and how they are affected by the foods we eat .
Here ’ s how it works …
When we eat carbohydrates , particularly those that are sweet or starchy , our blood sugar increases rapidly . When our blood sugar increases , our pancreas secretes insulin into the bloodstream . Insulin ’ s job is to bring our blood sugar back to normal levels . It does this by moving the sugar out of the blood and into the muscles , liver and fat cells . If not for insulin , this high blood sugar ( aka glucose ) would be toxic . As you may know , diabetics need to add insulin to their bodies to keep them alive and functioning .
So , insulin is a good thing with regards to keeping us alive by alleviating high blood sugar levels that are triggered by carbohydrate consumption .
BUT … Insulin is also very , very problematic with regards to our ability to lose weight .
As mentioned , when blood sugar is high , insulin ’ s job is to move that sugar out of the blood stream and into the liver and muscles to be used for energy . But there ’ s more to it . Insulin is also a storage hormone . What this means is that when insulin is present in the bloodstream , as it is when we consume carbohydrates ( sugar , starch ), the excess carbohydrates ( those that are not needed right away for energy ) are broken down and stored in our fat cells as fat . When this happens , our fat cells get larger ... and so do we !
And not only does insulin force those excess carbohydrates and fat into our fat cells , it also slams the brakes on our body ’ s ability to burn the fat that is already stored in our fat cells .
So , as long as there is high levels of insulin is flowing through your bloodstream ( which is only caused by carbohydrate consumption ), your body will be working to store fat rather than working to burn it .
You simply cannot consume a carbohydrate-rich meal and burn fat at the same time . Your body is either storing fat or burning it , depending on the food you eat . Now
The 3 Week Diet - Introduction Manual | 29