The 289 Register News No 37 Autumn 2010 | Page 4

NEWS Crendon helps you to handle the pressure. Handy tooling to stop your hoses from blowing off. T289R - Great value! Membership fees increase to only £25. Since taking over the role of Club Treasurer, I have reviewed our cost and income basis and have made the following observations. By the end of 2009 our reserves had reached an all-time high - almost £3000 and we decided we should not continue amassing funds in the account but rather we should use these monies to fund a better club magazine and to provide better facilities to our members at our key event, the AGM at Silverstone. You will all by now have seen the improved colour magazine and those of you who attended Silverstone will have enjoyed using the marquee, tables, chairs, tea and coffee provided. This also provided a good focal point for our annual AGM and barbeque. I presented our club financial position at the AGM and stated that in future I would like to keep our reserves below £2000 and as far as possible we should attempt to keep our expenditure equal to our income. Our income is limited to the annual subscriptions plus any magazine advertising we can secure. I am predicting our reserves will now fall below £2000 during 2010 in line with my forecast. Our major expense items are the colour magazine, postage and Silverstone AGM costs. Looking forward to 2011, our increased spending this year brings our reserves into line with expectations (<£2000). Estimates of our major costs, based on a membership of 130, are:• Magazine (4 issues per member @ £4.50 per issue) £2340 • Silverstone 2011 AGM (similar facilities as 2010) £650 • NEC £250 • Club Liability Insurance £150 • Web hosting services £160 Total costs The JK Beading Tool rapidly forms a hose retaining bead on stainless and mild steel, or aluminium tube. Works up to 18 swg wall thickness, and from .75” to 2.5” OD, without the need to anneal the material. £3500 So with an estimated expenditure of £3500 amongst 130 members this works out at £26.92 per member. As these figures are estimates only and no magazine advertising has been included, the committee decided to place the 2011 membership fee at £25 per member. This was put to the vote at the 2010 AGM and accepted by the membership. As our international members don’t get the benefit of the Silverstone facilities but the club does incur additional postage costs for these members’ magazines it was decided that no additional cost penalty would apply to international members and would be the same as UK members. This is the first subscription increase since 2006 so I thought it worthwhile listing some of the benefits of club membership:• 4 x high quality, colour newsletters each year • Informative web site, with regular updates, plus an active forum relating to cars builds, events, for sale etc. • National meeting @ Silverstone Classic with track laps • Club display @ NEC Classic Car Show • Access to international events as part of The 289 Register e.g. Le Mans Classic 24 hour • Access to UK events as part of The 289 Register • Specific club only events such as this year’s Scottish Road Trip. • Discount on tickets to certain high profile events such as Silverstone, NEC etc • Preferential car insurance rates • Hawk Cars sponsored first years membership fee for Hawk kit customers • Occasional one-off special offers from Hawk cars • Members technical support • Club merchandise Also to put into perspective our membership fee, here is a sample of some other clubs fees as far as I can ascertain:• Cobra Replica Club £30.00 • AC Owners Club £60.00 + £2.50 joining fee. • MG Owners Club £36.00 • GT40 Enthusiasts £30.00 • Stratos Enthusiasts £25.00 You mount the tool in a vice and operate by opening and closing the jaws of the vice while rotating the tube in approximately 20 degree steps. The tool costs £85 delivered, from Crendon Replicas on 01296 651 985. 4 THE 289 REGISTER We will include a reminder in the Winter newsletter of the fees increase along with a standing order form to change your instructions to your bank. Club Treasurer Allan Tunstall