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Ananya  Saha  8B   Interview Aisha Kirkwood conducted a small interview with Bond Chaiprasit regarding the Week without Walls of 8th grade that we went on three weeks ago. Q: What was your favourite part about Chiang Mai? A: My favourite part about Chiang Mai was that I went with the whole 8 grade. I th love 8th grade and it’s an amazing group of people. We all love each other and we’re one big family and if it’s even possible, we got to know each other better on the trip. So thumbs up to that. Q: What was your favourite activity? A: There were a lot of activities that I loved but I would have to give it to the zip lining, because I was soaring through the trees with my hands in the air. So yeah, I loved zip lining. Q: What did you learn about yourself and others on the trip? A: What about myself? Well, I think that there are two parts to every heart and in this part I unlocked another part of my heart that shines even in the darkest night. The part of my heart that fills with laughter and friends. That’s what I’ve learnt. Q: Would you recommend this trip for other 8th graders? A: For other 8th graders in the future? I think not because we 8th graders were special. They don’t deserve an amazing trip like this. We together are a family, that’s what makes the trip work. Other grades, they need more passion. They need more chemistry to take on this trip. Chiang Mai is a very special place.