The 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Eating Blueprint PDF eBook Free Download The Ultimate Fitness Formula eBook PDF | Page 56

 3 DAY DE T OX PL AN Day 2 Throughout the day make sure you drink 4 litres of water. BREAKFAST • 1 cup of hot lemon water (use a sweetener if you need to) • Green spinach breakfast smoothie LUNCH − 2 handfuls of fresh spinach Garden salad with a small handful of walnuts of almonds, balsamic dressing and 100g of a healthy lean protein of your choice, for example: − ¼ cucumber − Salmon − 1 handful of frozen berries − Chicken − 1 small handful of flax or chia seeds − Turkey − 1 whole banana − Tofu − 1cup of water − Soya beans Blend and serve up in your favourite glass with a straw. • •  This smoothie is bursting with antioxidants and gives you a healthy dose of iron and potassium! It contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals as well as healthy Omega 3 fats. MID-MORNING SNACK • Cup of green tea (no sugar) 1 bowl of fresh grapefruit Fact – Grapefruit is so important to detox plans because it contains a natural abundance of antioxidants to help rid your body of harmful toxins. Grapefruit also contains Vitamin C that strengthens your digestive system. EVENING MEAL • 100g of green beans or broccoli served with 60g of a lean protein choice (refer to lunch options above) and 70g of wholegrain or basmati rice. • Cup of green tea (no sugar) 4