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Decline Push-ups - 5 sets of 15 with 45-to-60-sec rest breaks. Decline push-ups are performed with your feet elevated on a prop and your hands on the floor. It’s not the other way around, uncommon to popular belief. Follow the exact same rules as historical push-ups and choose a prop that is not too extreme. The higher your feet are elevated, the harder the push-ups will be A small step stool would work just fine. If you’re a stud, use a bed, chair or table. Backbend Push-ups - 5 sets of 15 with 45-to-60-sec rest breaks. This push-up variation is akin to a yoga pose known as a full wheel. In layman’s terms, it’s often referred to as a backbend. You are going to include the backbend into a reverse push-up so to speak. Here’s how it’s done… Lie on your back with your knees bent, and feet and hands flat on the floor. Your hands should be right by your ears with your fingers pointing toward your shoulders. In one smooth motion, raise your hips off the ground and extend your arms and legs as much as possible while arching your back. Once you have gone as far as you can, slowly lower yourself back down and repeat. As an added bonus, backbend push-ups strengthen your wrists and improve the flexibility in your arms, core and shoulders. Pike Push-ups - 4 sets of 10 to 12 with 30-to-45-sec rest breaks. This last push-up variation pleasantly targets your shoulders, upper back and even obliques on the sides of your ribcage. Assume a front leaning position as if you were going to do a historical push-up and lift your butt in the air. Push your weight toward your heels and fix your gaze back at your toes. Your head should be between your arms at this point and your body should be at about a 90-degree angle. Maintain this position with your body as you bend your elbows to lower yourself down. Aim the top of your head toward the floor and stop when it is within about an inch. Push yourself back to the starting point and repeat. PHENQ | WORKOUT GUIDE 23