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Workout Plans
OK, the long-awaited time has come. Below are three workout examples - one is a beginner workout
performed 3 days a week, the second is a 4-day plan for intermediates and the last is a 6-day plan for
more advanced people. Pick your poison and train with a smile on your face.
Beginner Workout
When first starting out, you are much better suited for a program that won’t make you vomit or cause
you so much physical pain that you have to limp out of the gym when you are done. A basic plan that
targets all of your major muscle groups is a good idea at this point. Here is a schematic to follow.
` ` Aim for six to eight exercises that target all of your major muscle groups, such as chest presses,
military presses, back rows, triceps pushdowns, biceps curls, squats and bicycle crunches.
` ` Do a moderate amount of reps for each exercise. You want to get to a point where you feel
worked, but not pulverized. As a general rule of thumb, 8 to 12 reps is a good starting point.
` ` Perform three or four sets. Let fatigue be your guide here. If you reel off three sets and feel you still
have gas in the tank, do one more.
` ` Rest for 60 seconds between your sets. If you feel you can recover faster, then shorten your breaks.
Always remember the 90% rule!
` ` Choose between horizontal or vertical loading. Horizontal loading is doing an entire series of sets
for one exercise, moving to the next exercise, and then following this pattern all the way to the
end of your workout.
` ` Vertical loading would be performing one exercise for one body part, then doing a different
exercise for another body part and moving to the next and the next and the next until you’ve
completed them all.
` ` Then start from the top and go back down the list again until you’ve achieved your desired
amount of sets per exercise. It would be as if you were following them vertically written on a page.
` ` Work out three days a week on nonconsecutive days.