The 10 Most Trusted Healthcare IT Security Solution Providers 2018 Final file Healthcare IT optimize | Page 29
10 MOST Trusted
IT Security
Solution Providers 2018
science to assist healthcare professionals with the
detection, investigation, and reporting of patient privacy
violations, as well as with drug misdirection and other
employee behavior deviations. It focuses on
understanding employee behavior and patient
interactions in the context of delivering care. Combined
with intuitive visualizations and end-to-end reporting
functionality, this solution allows privacy experts to
focus on the most critical threats.
Haystack Intelligence: It offers healthcare leaders the
ability to understand the operational performance of
their domain. This solution delivers an objective
diagnosis and determination of the root causes of
operational efficiencies and inefficiencies as they arise
in the areas of EHR Workflow Optimization,
Operational Improvements, Service Cost Management,
and Patient Experience. “I make performance
improvement a breeze. I reveal exactly where you
should implement the smallest change to get the biggest
benefit at the lowest cost. Objectively track the ROI of
your improvement changes today.”- Haystack
“Haystack Monitoring, showing an anomalous access
(red link) and the context around it"
Distinguishing Characteristics
The company encourages employee diversity and
empowerment. It believes that different points of views
and personal initiative generally lead to stronger
outcomes and this makes the work environment more
exciting. Haystack is a customer centric organization
and its special relationship with CHOP keeps it abreast
of the latest challenges and opportunities in healthcare.
In turn, these allow it to remain best aligned with
industry needs. Haystack works alongside its customers
in four steps: Ingest: simple data retrieval from EHR;
Identify: exploring the data to find snooping risks and
best practices and opportunities; Improve: make
changes to improve the provider behavior; and
Measure: quantify and monitor the impact of any
changes. There are several data sources that track the
on-going processes within the health system and each
of it creates a unique viewpoint into what is happening.
Haystack Monitoring is analyzing the entire universe of
risk and Haystack Intelligence combines them all to
provide insight about performance bottlenecks and
“Haystack Intelligence, showing how an encounter
type is performed across various sites,
with associated cost differences”
Certainty about a Bright Future
Haystack is aware that the healthcare industry will continue
to experience significant challenges in the years to come. It
foresees that a data-based approach, inspired from lean
manufacturing techniques, can help healthcare leaders adapt
to changing circumstances. The company believes it is well-
positioned to assist health systems navigate through these
upcoming challenges, given its focus on safeguarding and
optimizing healthcare.
| September 2018 |