The 10 Most Influential Multispeciality Hospitals The 10 Most Influential Multispecialty Hospital Sm | Page 13
Success Safari
The genesis of this cancer institute lies
in the world’s worst industrial disaster
the Bhopal gas tragedy, which left a
trial of death and devastation – quite a
few thousand dead and tens of
thousands maimed, disabled and
emaciated for life – following the
leakage of huge quantities of
Methylisocyanite (MIC) gas from the
Union Carbide’s pesticide plant on a
cold wintry morning of December 3,
1984. Medical experts were almost
unanimous in their view that the long
term effects of this toxic gas would
push up the graph of cancer incidence
considerably. These warnings
obviously added a sense of urgency to
the long felt need of a comprehensive
cancer hospital in Bhopal, one of the
fastest developing towns in India. efforts came out in the form of
full-fledged facility. His efforts
generated tremendous support of
enlightened sections of the society and
government for achieving this
objective in the beautiful lake city in a
time bound manner. These efforts
provided much needed relief to the
people when the hospital was
inaugurated on 11th January, 1995, by
the erstwhile President, Shri Shankar
Dayal Sharma, with 100 beds.
Shri MadanMohan Joshi, a renowned
journalist and editor of the eminent
newspaper ‘Nai Duniya Bhopal’ took
an initiative to develop a facility for
cancer treatment in Central India. He
motivated and inspired likeminded
people to get associated for developing
such a facility for noble cause of
Cancer treatment and formed a Society
viz. M.P. Cancer Chikitsa Evam Seva
Samiti. He has sown the seed for such
a venture in the year 1989 and the With competent and dedicated staff
and dynamic leadership provided by
Founder Chairman, Shri Madan
Mohan Joshi, state-of-the-art cancer
cure and care modalities and strong
infrastructure for research, the institute
has already become the favoured
destination for the treatment of this
dreaded disease in Madhya Pradesh
and its catchment areas are expanding
day-by-day covering a vast area even
outside the state.
Nothing is however more challenging
in medical field than establishing a
comprehensive cancer hospital, as it
requires massive investment. Few,
therefore, take up this extraordinary
challenge. Shri Madan Mohan Joshi
was one of them.
However, we are conscious of the fact
that there is always scope for
improvement and a lot has yet to be
done in view of the opening of new
and newer frontiers of medical
knowledge and updating of various
It is a matter of great satisfaction that a
significant number of patients who
received treatment at this hospital are
completely cured and living
cancer-free life. A good number of
patients reporting at advanced stages
have also been considerably benefited
by the treatment and have shown
remarkable improvement. Several
terminally ill patients got considerable
relief from pain as a result of proper
application of palliative care, a newly
emerged holistic modality in the
treatment of cancer.
While awareness about other diseases
is spreading rather rapidly, awareness
vis-a-vis cancer is unfortunately still
moving at a snail’s pace. The result,
therefore, is disastrous. People of all
ages, sex and section report-in for the
treatment of this disease quite late.
Even doctors, intellectuals and similar
enlightened groups are no exception.
The situation is worse in Madhya
Pradesh because of extreme
backwardness and ignorance resulting
in total indifference towards growing
scourge of cancer. Jawaharlal Nehru
Cancer Hospital & Research Centre
has, therefore, given special attention
to cover more and more areas under
our cancer awareness program. Free
cancer detection camps and meetings
are organized regularly both in urban
and rural areas for early detection and
for inculcating awareness about
various aspects of the disease including
its symptoms.
| March 2019 | 11