The 10 Leading Patient Engagement Solution Providers in 2018 Leading Patient Engagement small | Page 45
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We give
healthcare the
tools to improve
care and
lower costs
platform would not have been possible without our talented
team,” says Betsy, proudly. This team is enhanced through
in-house continuing education with “UbiUniversity”
sessions, as well as external learning opportunities. For
example, the company’s product manager participated in a
development course to increase productivity and efficiency
with product engineers. Plus, each quarter, the whole
company bonds together by volunteering for local
community organizations.
UbiCare believes that “Patient Engagement is a ‘team-
sport’! We all need the patients, but it’s the patient
engagement provider who is the MVP,” Betsy says.
The organization’s core mission is to give healthcare
providers the means to access and sustain the connection
with the patients. “It’s not just about the means of
connection—emails, text, apps, websites or patient
portals—it’s about NO barriers to access. It’s about making
it easy, relevant and delightful, with connections that are of
use right now because they’re perfectly timed, arriving
when and where they’re needed,” asserts Betsy.
Cutting-edge Services
UbiCare’s unique platform automatically delivers turnkey
sourced, evidence-based content, providing the right
message to the right patient at the right time throughout an
entire episode of care. The cloud-based platform has been
enhanced as technology has evolved and patient and
provider needs have changed. It is now interoperable with
Solution Providers 2018
other hospital IT systems and meets enterprise-wide needs
for hospital systems. UbiCare’s flagship product, SmarteXp,
was first developed for the Obstetrics/Pediatrics population.
One client appreciates UbiCare for its services and noted
that expectant and new moms “are the frontend of our
customer pipeline, as they make 80% of all care decisions
for the whole family. When loyal and engaged, their value
lasts for 20+ years. UbiCare enhances that for us. They
created the digital category.”
Words about Ideal Leadership
As UbiCare’s leader, Betsy believes that “the ideal leader
is an innovator, a change agent, and a disruptor. He/She is
driven, comfortable with rapid change and able to harness
that to positive ends for the company but also for the world.
New talent and the best talent want more than money and
equity. They want to believe, grow and change with the
products and the company. The ideal leader guides and
appreciates this. Plus, good leaders must feel comfortable
moving and bringing their team along with them. This is
impossible without careful selection of the right team and
having that evolve as your innovations do. Talent evolves,
as products and the marketplace do.”
Upcoming Plans
In 2018, UbiCare completed a study with a four-hospital
system in the Midwest. It has given it and the healthcare
industry new knowledge of this type of digital connection.
When utilized from well before to well after an episode of
care, it can provide statically significant and clinically
impactful results. In this case, reduced the length of hospital
stay and decreased emergency department visits within 30
days post-operation. It also showed positive direction for
the other tracked outcome variables including the day of
surgery cancellations, discharge destination, and hospital
readmissions within 30 days post-op.
Today, the challenge ahead of the company is to share these
findings more widely to stimulate more research and to
have more patients and hospitals benefit from this research.
“Our goal is to stay armed with the findings that digitally
connecting with patients throughout a care episode works
to reduce costs and increase care quality. We want to help
providers achieve the highest ROI while improving
outcomes,” concludes Betsy.
December 2018