The 10 Leading Patient Engagement Solution Providers in 2018 Leading Patient Engagement small | Page 41
Editor’s Pick
Physical inactivity among teenagers can contribute to
cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, or cancer in the later life
alongside increased body mass index and obesity. An
environment that restricts physical activity has been labeled as
a major factor for obesity. The rise of obesity in young people
has been attributed to environmental changes. These changes
include the use of transport for commute and a decrease in the
opportunities for recreational physical activities.
An education level can affect the health meter of a person.
Education provides the tool to make a good decision about
health. It is generally said that people with a good education
will live more. They are more likely to take part in seeing their
physician and keeping a regular habit of exercising. Education
further helps them in eliminating unhealthy habits like smoking
and drug use. Moreover, they can avail themselves with the
benefits of health insurance alongside making connections
with the other people in their life. All these factors add up to the
betterment of the health.
Different types of culture and society value body types in
different ways. In some places, the weight is seen as a positive
thing where the food is scarce and some culture despise it and
label it as obesity. The type of food one consumes can affect
the health and well-being of an individual. The culture and the
types of foods that community holds also affect the health and
longevity. Not only the eating patterns play a part, but also the
attitude and behavior of people play an important role, which
influences health. Such cultural traditions can induce stress in
individuals and they can doubt themselves whether they are
socially accepted and acknowledged in their life. All these
factors add to the social insecurities and irregular eating habits
in human beings.
December 2018