The 10 Best Rehabilitation Centers to Watch in 2019 The 10 Best Rehabilitation Centers to Watch in 201 | Page 5
Editor’s Column
rehabilitation therapy is designed in such a way that
it would increase the difficulty level of exercises
with time, giving the stroke survivors a secure feel
of improvement.
Various new techniques are introduced in stroke
rehabilitation that subsumes mirror therapy, and
music therapy. Though most of the development
takes place within a short span, the brain may
continue to learn and re-learn the old tasks as long as
one lives. After completing visits to the
rehabilitation center, the patient may ask to continue
the exercises given by the physical therapists.
Lastly, rehabilitation is not a cake-walk. It may seem
daunting and physically discomforting task.
Basically, scientific research studies conclude that a
successful and meaningful recovery can only be
obtained with the optimism and high-level of the
motivation of the participants during the
rehabilitation process. It is normal for people to feel
exhausted when recovery seems to be at a standstill.
However, in situations where improvement seems
sluggish, the whole outcome turns out to be way
better in the long-term after rehabilitation therapy.
This way, stroke rehabilitation takes us through the
journey from stroke to the complete recovery.
S. Des
Ashwini S. Deshpande