The 1 Week Diet Download FREE Brian Flatt [PDF] | Page 8

Rapid Weight Loss FOR A DIET TO BE SUCCESSFUL, I TRULY BELIEVE THAT THE DIET MUST PRODUCE VISIBLE AND SIGNIFICANT RESULTS FAST. Throughout my experience in diet and fitness industry, I have yet to have anyone ask me how to lose weight slowly. In fact, most people who come to me for weight loss advice have already let things go too far, and are seeking the fastest way possible to lose the excess weight they have put on. I truly believe that the #1 reason that most diets fail is because they simply do not produce results fast enough. Let’s face it! It is simply no fun at all to, day after day, spend hours in the gym, followed by eating small portions of food that we can’t stand, while watching the scale move at just a pound or two each week. For a diet to be successful, I truly believe that the diet must produce visible and significant results fast. When the dieter sees real results quickly, he or she becomes more engaged. And when I can get the dieter engaged by seeing real results, a ‘snowball effect’ occurs; results get better and better as dieters see themselves getting leaner and leaner. On The 1 Week Diet, you will see real results quickly. These results will be the feedback and motivation you need to continue with the diet, as you will be able to see your weight loss goals in your sights. LAUNCH HANDBOOK 08