The 1 Week Diet Download FREE Brian Flatt [PDF] | Page 50

weight (yay!). But since I have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound of fat, and I’m only dropping 600 calories per week under my BMR, I’m only on schedule to lose just one pound of fat over the next six weeks! (Boo!) AND THIS IS WHY SO MANY DIETS FAIL… People are very enthusiastic and energetic in the beginning of the powerful regimen composed of dieting and exercising. When they don’t get the expected results fast, they would rather prefer to end up all their efforts. They actually miss the main component-calculation of BMR. Once you understand your BMR, you can effectively devise an effective calorie-cutting plan which will result in real fat loss. As much as I would like to give you a magic pill, this is truly the driving factor of all weight loss. Knowing your BMR puts you in control. You will learn how many calories your body actually needs. Then, you can cut out as many calories as you want in setting your weight loss plan. Your body will then tap into your fat stores to make up for all the calories you deprive it of (through the calories you cut from your diet and any exercise/physical activity you engage in). This is truly a liberating method for weight loss, as it doesn’t require you to understand hormones, fat mobilization, etc. It also lets you eat whatever you want as it works solely on calories rather than focusing on macronutrient ratios (carbs, fats, and protein). If you take nothing else from this book, understand that creating a calorie deficit over time is the universal driver of fat loss — there is nothing else that can take its place. The best part is that once you reach your goal weight, you can begin to enjoy all of your favorite foods and live a life without constantly worrying about the foods you can or cannot eat. This has nothing to do with carbs, fat or protein, and everything to do with BMR and calorie consumption. 2. F  AT-LOSS RULES BEFORE YOU CAN BEGIN TO BURN BODY FAT, THE FAT MUST BE MOBILIZED! Fat burning is a greatly misunderstood concept. Burning fat is actually easy to do. It just takes a bit of physical activity that all do in the entire day. The problem is that this fat we are burning is LAUNCH HANDBOOK 50