The 1 Week Diet Download FREE Brian Flatt [PDF] | Page 11

The Truth about Weight Loss As people are paying more attention on their health & fitness, this industry has just revolutionized from every aspect. The reality is there is simply no other industry in the world that is more confusing or more contradictory than the diet and fitness industry. Let’s suppose, if we ask the 10 fitness experts what the best way to lose weight is. Do you really expecting the same answers from all of them? Well, It’s a big NO because every experts will have a different opinion. And it will be very difficult to decide who’s right? Who’s wrong? And how do you know? The fact is, the diet and fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year in an effort to convince us that they hold the ‘quick and easy’ solution to our weight loss problems. These ‘solutions’ come in many forms, be it pills, powders, prescription drugs, gadgets, gizmos, personal training, medical weight loss clinics, pre-packaged meals, books, magazines … you name it. And their marketing efforts have tremendous reach as they use television, internet ads, billboards, and radio. Heck, even some of the biggest fitness magazines in the marketplace are actually owned by supplement companies themselves! Now, don’t get me wrong … many of the methods listed can have an impact on weight loss. But nothing can strip the weight off faster than the combined methods you’re about to learn. I realize that, in an age of sensationalism, many readers are expecting me to pull some ‘magic pill’ out of my hat and reveal some ‘secret’ fat-loss method that no one else knows about, but that won’t necessarily be the case. Some of the methods involved are likely things you have heard about before. Others will be things you’ve probably never heard of, while still others will be things you likely dismissed or simply didn’t understand. The concept of weight loss revolves around the multiple, yet, effective combinations. LAUNCH HANDBOOK 11