Arnold Jules
I'm a Christian too
From rapping in church to the grand stage of Saint Lucia’s annual ‘Youth fest’, Arnold Jules has won the hearts of youth nationwide with his music which seeks to heal, restore and inspire the minds of aspiring artists and Christians every day. That’s
Wassup was afforded the opportunity of sitting down with Mr. Jules to learn just what is it that motivates him to keep producing songs and performances that never fail to miss their mark of being nothing less than impressive. More importantly, just
who is Arnold Jules?
From age 16, while still at the Entrepot Secondary School, Arnold began writing music out of the enjoyment of creation, writing ‘secular’ songs that were most expressive at the time among his friends and himself until he went up to the Sir Arthur
Lewis Community College. Arnold expressed that having ‘played the fool’ and experiencing some hardship with classes and
friends there, he was taught some very vital life lessons that caused him to view life differently. At age 18, Jules had made
the step to become a Christian and dedicated his life to touching others through his music. Considering it to be his ministry,
Jules states,
‘When I became a Christian, I learned the word of God says we should go to all nations to preach the gospel because if you
have found good news that saved you and you’re happy about it you should share it… it’s a commandment… but I do it willingly I don’t do it because God said to do it, I do it out of my heart. I want other people to experience what I experienced since
rapping is what I do, I love rapping… I can put words together so people can enjoy it and get the message at the same time.’
Youth fest was the highlight in the musical career of Jules. On that stage, the nation took true note of a voice that shook the
Earth. Jules had performed twice prior to his 2013 win, placing first in his category but never overall. Like any victory, Jules
shared his process that lead to his win. “I do ministry but I don’t make music people like, I make music that people will know
is the truth, whether you like it or not, that’s what I’m going to bring. Going into a secular realm I’m thinking, boy, I’m going
to be the only Christian there but it doesn’t matter, I’m doing it for God. Make a song people can jam to and get the message
at the same time and have fun”
Youth fest is but the first step to be a form of encouragement to showcase the talents of youth on the island. Yet, the issue
still stands. In schools today, inspiration has hit a low as many students have a dream but very few have the passion or the
support to pursue it. So the question is how does one achieve success and inspire others? Arnold Jules has said that in his
own experience finding a group of people to support his music and life was an important part of the person he has become
but most importantly the word of God.
“I don’t want to sound like the religious type… but the truth is that you can only find your purpose in God so you can be successful in this world in this life here but it really doesn’t matter, you need to find your purpose. Why are you here?… I believe
that for someone to reach their target, their goal, they need to get to the source of who they are, their purpose, purpose
comes first. You need people to be there for you, I needed people to push me, encourage me, even when I knew I wasn’t good
I got those people to support me, you need that support to push you; find those people.”
Like any other person though, Jules has admitted that he has had his share of criticism many of such include accusations
of hypocrisy and vanity. Arnold has said of course that’s all part of being a human being, artist and furthermore a Christian
saying simply, ‘even Jesus was persecuted and he was perfect, I’m not perfect but the important thing is that I keep inspiring
those who need it… I use my persecution to push myself forward, if you don’t like me, then well I’m doing something right…
I would say to the youth that pursuing what you want will bring negative people but you must use that to elevate you.’ In
saying this, Jules passionately raised the analogy of the donkey in the well: ‘every time they threw dirt in the well to try to
kill the donkey and bury it alive, it shook it off and used that dirt to climb out of the well safely, the same thing applies to the
negative people in your life.’
Arnold Jules by all measures has lived up to his reputation as a positive role model to youth and aspiring artist all across Saint
Lucia and is continuing to strive in his efforts to improve his music and his message that not only is following the Christian
lifestyle a tremendous step in one’s life but to keep reaching for the stars not just for one’s self but to pave a way for those
wishing to follow.