Issue 6 - January 2014 - That's Wassup |
St. Mary's College
Out of respect, I should hope that we would not say it to her face, but, we all know that
she does it. Mother always nags. She thinks she's getting a point across but we tend to block her out
on these numerous unfortunate occasions. Personally, I absolutely detest listening to my mother
when she is not in a good mood; whether or not she's nagging. I have listened to my friends comOsbondreally
plain about their mothers and many of them say that the nagging puts them to sleep. College wish
Os- I
St. Mary's
that my mother's nagging affected me the same way. It would be easier to simply get drowsy when
I hear her whining, droning, nagging voice instead of wanting to throw something in her... general
direction. My mother's nagging frustrates me in ways I do not understand. It is rage inducing and
aggravates me to the point where I pick her up, carry her to her room and just drop her on her bed
then leave. But there is a bitter truth we all must accept, that there is a logical reason behind the
constant, infuriating nagging. No Mother's love for u is always felt and should never be unappreciated. Only mother would care enough to ring it in your ears so often to clean your room or to do
your homework.
It is because she cares about your health and hygiene and wants to see u prosper that she screams
and yells. It is not because she loves to hear herself talk. Let’s face it, if we did what we were supposed to do, there would be no need for mother to quarrel. I would rather my mother not be a nagging one. It has more negative effects on both of us than good. It gets me annoyed with her and
that is sure to put a strain on our relationship.
Also, all that nagging is exhausting
for both of us but, it can have more
detrimental effects on her health
due to stress. Frankly I would rather
not lose my mother and, I especially
would not like to lose her because of
stress that I caused her. So I am going
to make more of an effort to listen to
my mother whom I love so dearly. I will
remember that her actions are of love
(supposedly) and that she only wishes
the best for me. But for the most part I