That's Fresh September Issue | Page 10



Opinion Piece on Private School

by Noah Hoffman

Private school is a great alternative to public school. Private school is more focused on the student individually and some can also partner with home schooling. In private school the teachers are able to have connections with the students and can help them individually. They usually have less student the public schools and fewer teachers, but they offer more options in subjects and schedule. Private school had many advantages over public school.

There are many advantages and disadvantages in going to a private school. The advantages about being in a private school are, the teacher is more available to the student, and you get to learn how you learn. The disadvantages are that you have to pay, and there is not a lot of people.

For me, Private schooling is better than public school, even if you have to pay for it. There are a lot more options and opportunities in private schools than in public schools. It is great for people who struggle with public school. All the stuff I thought I couldn't do, I realized I could do in private school.