That's Fresh January Issue | Page 6

6. get rid of distractions

Build good relationships and cut the bad ones out. The people in your friend circle influence what you do and how you act, so keep people in your life who will support you and uplift you while you're completing your goals. If your own attitude is your distraction and inhibits you from doing what you need to, think about who is in your friend circle, and also think again about the music you're listening to. Both can be distractions.

10. get enough sleep

Getting more sleep will help you achieve resolutions such as working out, spending time in the Word, waking up earlier, and even doing well in school and/or at your work. Getting enough sleep will help your overall attitude, work ethic, and increase your energy.

7. Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water will help you achieve your health and fitness goals, your intellectual goals, and it will increase your energy to conquer other resolutions.

8. make a choice every day to follow through with your goals

9. know that it's okay to start over! dont't give up!