That's Fresh April Issue | Page 10



Here are some principles we can learn from reading the Bible in regards to KINGDOM STEWARDSHIP:

1. God's original plan in creating the world was so He could extend His heavenly Kingdom to earth. (Matthew 25:34)

2. God's purpose was to establish a commonwealth of citizens, not Christians. (John 1:12-13)

3. Human beings were created to exercise dominion over the earth and all of its creatures. (Genesis 1:28)

4. You are a king and a priest in the Kingdom on earth. How can you be a king? By planning, being strategic, being productive, having accountability, and being a good steward with what God has already given you. How can you be a priest? A priest is a representative or an ambassador. To re-present Christ on earth we are to be spiritually mature, restore relationship with God and one another, impact the world, be dedicated and study the bible. (Revelations 1:6)

5. The problem does not lie with the readiness of the harvest but with the availability of the harvesters. (Matthew 9:35-38)

6. Adam and Eve lost the Kingdom in the garden when they sinned, but Jesus reintroduced the Kingdom and brought the Holy Spirit to us.

7. When Jesus came and shed His blood on the cross, He provided the means for us to be apart of the Kingdom.

8. When we are restored to the Kingdom we are then restored to greateness. We return to the place and environment which God created us for.

9. Our Father is always working and so should we! (Mark 2:27-28)

10. We have no greater priority then proclaiming the Kingdom. (Matthew 10:7)

There is so much more to learn about KINGDOM STEWARDSHIP in the Bible so READ, LEARN, and ASK QUESTIONS!