Good love
Good day and welcome to your Tuesday Kingdom Connection with Minister Angela! I pray that Monday's devotional blessed you and opened your eyes to areas where your motivations may not always be pure and love is not being the source and fuel of what it is you do. On today, we will continue with I Corinthians 13
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
It's so easy to access ourselves in a positive manner. It's natural to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to which is why there is verse in the Bible that commands us NOT to do this!. LOL (Romans 12:3). Love is a great and the ultimate way to test where you really are in God. Because godly love can only come from Him,
we should never deceive ourselves into thinking that we are always
operating in love. In fact, it requires
the Word of God to help us discern where we truly are on God's scale and in His eyes...which of course is ALL that ultimately matters.
Now we can all be honest and admit:
we AIN'T trying to
we AIN'T trying to
ALWAYS be HAPPY for someone ELSE
we AIN'T trying to
not Make a (beep) RECOGNIZE
we AIN'T trying to
not let a (beep) KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!
we AIN'T trying to
not say, " I TOLJU God don't like UGLY!"
We're just not.. we're not...
We feel some people in OUR LIVES
Get kicked to the curb
Be hated on CUZ they ALWAYS "BLESSED"
Now Y'ALL know that's HOW YOU say it!! LOL
But I went "real" because that's how we ALL REALLY behave..... some of us more times than others. And I said all of that to say, " THAT AIN'T LOVE!!!"
Love Bears ALL things!
- No matter what God permits to happen, no matter how those close to us say evil and hurtful things to us ALL the time, no matter how hard we pray for others to change so they can become more LIKE US .... LOVE bears it. Love carries it. Love deals with it. Love keeps it and doesn't just throw it away after the 3 strikes rule. Love forgives them. Love let's them make it. Love doesn't even retaliate and then call it even. Love goes on like it never happened AGAIN.
Love Believes ALL things!
- Love tells you they didn't mean that. Love tells you they don't know what they are doing and that if they truly
knew, they would
NEVER do it. Love
tells you they mean
well. Love tells you
they can't help it.
Love tells you they
would really change
if they could. Love
believes their mind
is missing the understanding. Love believes their heart doesn't realize the pain they are causing you. Love believes they are unable to change or do better; they truly are doing the best they can at this time.
Love Hopes ALL things!
-Love hopes they will one day realize the truth. Love hopes you and they will one day be at peace with one another. Love hopes that all things come together as they should. Love hopes that in time, they will gain an understanding. Love hopes, in time, they hearts will change and do what is best. Love hopes the light bulb will go off and that they will operate with a different mentality and spirit. Love hopes for the best for both YOU and
bears, believes, hopes AND Endures
.....all things? REALLY!!??