ThankYou newsletter Volume 1 | Page 24

Thank You newsletter No. 1_Layout 1 22/11/2013 10:39 Page 24 Royal Berks Charity DONATION FORM PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS Title Forename Surname Address Postcode Phone Please include area code Email By signing this box you enable our Charity to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give from the Government and it doesn’t cost you a penny! Please treat this and any subsequent donations to the Royal Berks Charity as a Gift Aid donation. You must pay enough tax in the UK to cover your donation to be eligible. Signature Date to Royal Berks Charity I would like to donate £ Payment method... Cheque Cash Debit Card Please make cheques payable to Royal Berks Charity. DO NOT SEND CASH IN THE POST Visa Mastercard Switch/Maestro (Issue No) Name as it appears on your card Card number Start date / Signature End date / 3 digit security code Date We will not share your details with any third party. However, we would like to keep you informed of our news, events, activities and appeals. If you do not wish to receive any information, please tick here Charity Number 1052720