Thai Silk Village Catalog The Part of Scarf Content | Page 3

Welcome everyone to San Kamphaeng District where is a road of culture, art and traditional way of life, Thai silk village

is a conserved cultural tourist attraction that inside of the store decorated in traditional lifestyles shows about mulberry farming style, silk reeling, natural dyeing and weaving.

This aims to give support to local people to get job and to disseminate

Thai culture related to silk weaving to be known by tourists and foreign customers.

The production of silk starts with the silk moth. The moth lays eggs which develop into silk worms. The worms are fed on mulberry leaves until they are one month old. When they build a cocoon from their spittle. The cocoon is put into boiling

a cocoon from their spittle. The cocoon is put into boiling water, and the silk thread is then extracted. About 500 meters

from each cocoon. Thee thread is then dyed with either chemical or natural colors, and then washed in special treatments to

soften the fabric. The silk is then woven on a hand loom to produce the final silk product.


Thai Silk Village CO.,LTD