Tha Lifestyle Dec,2013 | Page 34

TAMIL lifestyle | lnguage & culture How Good are you in British Slangs? As Tamil Community emigrated from former British Colonial South Asian Countries, most of them were mostly familiarised with their own version and own English style which were close to Queens English. Bollocks: technically means “balls,” but often describes something seen as extremely negative or lacking in value; e.g. “total shit.” So for some people British Slangs were new, therefore we researched into some famous British Slangs. As British Tamil become part for greater British Nation, these slangs will help them to mingle with other communities. Here the list of few famous slangs Chav: white trash. Any road: used in place of “any way,” primarily used in the north of Britain. “Bugger off!”: “Go away!” or “Leave me alone!” (Note: Bugger, used on its own, is akin to “Shit!” or swearing) Cheeky: to be not respectful of something, having a flippant or facetious attitude. Chin Wag: to have a chat v