TGP Project Jan. 2013 | Page 15

Jamie's (butterflies-n3ver-lie) story


Honestly, the two of them were just so cute and I just wanted to watch them forever because wow. They’re so talented and funny and inspirational and…lets not lie….DROP DEAD BEAUTIFUL. I loved the stories they told and the way the things they talked about in between songs. Every time Dani speaks I just want to close my eyes and take in everything she has to say (although thats very difficult because I don’t want to stop watching her either).

After the show (unfortunately) ended, I got a text from Becca saying “turn around”. And so I left my dad to pay the check (aren’t I a good daughter?) and then I ran up to Becca and Alissa and we also embraced and we talked at the table for a while and we did the whole introduction thing even though we’re already like…best friends… LOL So then we hopped on line to meet Dani and I seriously did not stop jumping up and down. Luckily, I got a lot of my crying out on line so I didn’t turn into a sobbing mess in front of Dani.

When it was finally my turn, she put her arms out and I just went and hugged her. I will N E V E R forget how amazing that hug felt. I just squeezed her as tight as I could and I never wanted to let go. That hug has been something I’ve needed a lot these past few months I mean…I’ve been pretty down and I’ve said this a million times over, but she’s helped me so damn much even just through her music and just being able to hug her was the most amazing thing.

And even better is, after the hug she said, “Its so nice to see you again!” which absolutely killed me because I can’t even believe she actually remembered me…. Like… wow. And then her and Ali discussed the frequent tweets I send both of them (I still don’t think I use twitter the right way to be honest….) and they said the tweets and messages and such were really sweet and I just stood there all embarrassed because I don’t think I ever actually grasped the fact that they read those things…..

Anywho, so then Dani says something along the lines of “Can I admit something to you” or “Can I tell you something” to which I replied, “Oh no…” And she said “Am I going to embarrass you?” and I said “Probably…” AND THEN SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE’S BEEN ON MY BLOG BEFORE AND THAT SHE READ THE LAST PLAY-BY-PLAY STORY I WROTE ABOUT MEETING HER AND WOW I’M STILL SUPER EMBARRASSED ABOUT THAT WOW. (Fun Fact: I called Ciara after the show and told her and she said “Just be thankful she read that post and not any of the others LOLOL) And then we took a picture and then Ali started talking to Becca and Alissa and my dad and I kept talking to Dani.

It was really sweet because Dani asked how I’ve been since the last time I saw her..and of course I just said I’ve been good (and even though thats not entirely true, it was true enough in the moment) and we just talked a little bit more until she needed to go and see the next person on line.

And then very quickly I showed her and Ali my over-sized TGP autograph book (pictures of that will come later LOL) and they signed an autograph for Ciara.

And then we said our goodbyes and then I said my good byes to my tumblr friends and then my dad and I started walking back toward our car and I started crying and then I called Ciara and then I cried some more and now here I am writing this and crying again.

I just….I don’t know what I expected out of tonight…I really don’t. But I can not be my thankful for the way it turned out. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled and laughed and cried as simultaneously and as much in my entire life. Both Dani and Ali are amazing, talented, gorgeous, genuine people and have changed my life so much. It was more than an honor to be able to meet them again and I hope I’ve finally been able to express to them how much they mean to me.