TGP Project Jan. 2013 | Page 12

Becca's (the-second-star-totheright) Story (cont.)


Nellie Veitenheimer: *deep breath* (Okay I don’t know if I can do this one). Nellie Veitenheimer is my inspiration and another one of my heroes. She has taught me more by just being her than any kind of teacher who has tried. She makes me feel like I’m worth something and showed me that I don’t have to conform to society to have people accept me. People will accept me for me because of the person I am. I look to her and I feel like I’m doing something right with not giving up on my dreams and pursuing what I want to be. I feel so blessed to see her shine. Thank you for everything, Nellie. You are my hero.

Abraham Lim: I love Abraham Lim. He has gotten so far. He has never given up and with this All of the Lights show, his career is going to skyrocket. He is another one who is so positive and bright and cheery and makes me smile just by being him. He’s also super duper talented and I love him for that.

Shanna Henderson: AH I LOVE SHANNA. Shanna is another one who always stays true to herself through her faith and her music. Her talent is just flawless. And she was never afraid of a challenge. I mean, it felt like she always had the hardest parts in songs and she tackled them without any fear. I love that fearlessness and I feel like I can look up to her and say “I can do this.”

Michael Weisman: MICHAEL. Okay so I know TGP kinda came to him but still he ran with it and never let anything get him down. He had to face so many tough times with things not going the way he wanted and I can completely relate to that. But never once did he stop fighting. He kept going and going and never let anything tell him to stop and he was only still in high school! That’s what I find so cool and amazing.

Lily Mae Harrington: Lily is one of the strongest people to ever come on TGP. She was never ever ever afraid of anything. She took challenges (like Shanna) head on and ran with it and owned it like she created it. I love it when people do that. I find it so incredible.

Aylin Bayramoglu: An angel. This girl has taught me so much too. Different is not bad. I am different then everyone, nobody is like me. Aylin embraces all of her differences and that’s what she loves the most about herself. Her confidence is perfect. It makes me want to be confident. I have never seen anyone with so much self-worth and so much passion for living.

Ali Stroker: Nothing is going to hold this girl back, so nothing is going to hold me back. Okay, Ali DANCED in a wheelchair. She never even complained! She just kept going and never said “I can’t.” For Pete’s sake she even got SLUSHIED knowing very well her body couldn’t handle it. I love that. I want to be like that. Also, I’m playing Olive Ovstrovsky right now and she played her in the Paper Mill and I just think that’s the coolest thing ever and it makes me happy.

Blake Jenner: Glee’s newest heartthrob. Okay. Blake Jenner taught me that I can do it. He always says that he was struggling and getting a bunch of no’s until he finally got the “yes” he was waiting for. He never even stopped waiting for that yes. I can do it. I can make my dreams come true. And I won’t stop until I do.

I want to thank them all for teaching me these things and making me feel like everything I do is right.

Thanks also to whoever took the time to read this.

You all rock.

All my love,
