God has blessed me with a superior education and a good brain to think, to learn, and to use for all the work I have done in my life. I taught for 37+ years in both the USA and Egypt as a successful Language Arts, Gifted, and English Teacher. My Egyptian experience led to my writing career with my memoir on living in Cairo in 2011-12 as a teacher during the revolution there. I was also blessed to have had the opportunity to open two English schools in Cairo a few years later. Sadly, they are closed now, but I learned a lot about being an entrepreneur. Dreaming bigger has also led to other careers: International Motivational Speaker, Book Writing Consultant Coach and Master Editor, and Co-Owner of my new business with my fiancé called RM Infinite (OneStop Possibilities) which includes our new publishing company. In 2022 I accepted the position of Chancellor of an online world university and am once again involved in the academic world.
God has also blessed me with great social skills and the ability to connect genuinely with people all around the world. My blood family is small---one sister, one son, and one cousin.
I love them dearly, but they live far away from me. I lost my husband to cancer in 2019. I was blessed to share over 48 years of my life with my beloved Bill. I now live physically alone with my Saint Bernard Savannah. However, I do