I just saw a movie called Looking back to 1926 on Nettie Macmillan. It is a story takes place in Scotland where a girl grows up in the hills and her family is in the distillery business. She ends up marrying her high school sweetheart and all is well until he suddenly dies. With his death the whole family business is thrown on the side as the males in the community try and buy her off saying this is really a man’s job.
She detests their ridiculous offer and says she breathed it, lived it and run the company since being brought into the world. She takes control of the entire business and later goes on to have her bottle sold as one of the most expensive bottles of whisky ever sold.
I celebrate Nettie for what she did her time is so beyond the norm and sadly women today face many of the same obstacles and barriers. She show with determination, will and team work, women can truly achieve greatness.
For more information on this story click here:
Rosalyn Kahn
Chow Entertainment, Host TV Show
All for the Sake of Women