produce. Being involved in a community garden project teaches the child where our food comes from and gives them an appreciation for the effort that goes into growing real food. What could be better for a child than enjoying the bounty of their own labor? Pure joy.
Schools should also have community gardens to feed the students their lunch. The students grow the food, harvest it, and enjoy the bounty of their labor. My stepdaughters' children's elementary school has implemented a school garden in Whittier, CA. It can be done.
And all of this helps eliminate all the toxic chemicals they are currently eating through the Standard American Diet, which consists of processed foods with little or no food value and tons of sugar, chemicals, salt, and poor-quality GMO Omega-6 fats. These ingredients interrupt the child's growth and learning ability. In addition, GMOs have toxins grown right in the plant.
For equality, all children need real food with essential minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients, as this food provides a healthy code for their bodies to function. As a result, they can grow up to be the best they can be. Real food opens the full potential of their future lives.
My goal is to change the way America eats, one person at a time - Cheryl Meyer