TGA - The Global Achievers Issue 1/2022 | Page 90

to be foggy mental. The feeling of distrust in ourselves, headaches, indecision and not seeing things clearly.

Amethyst will provide a calming effect, stroking the stone brings energy emission. Placing it on

the third eye can release excess energy to avoid nightmares and headaches or believing in illusions. This stone will balance the mental, emotional and physical bodies and stabilizendysfunctional energy’s. Amethyst also gives the bearer invigoration, strength and stability.

Amethyst makes a great daily companion.

Change crystals with your mood and trust your gut when you feel drawn to one. The medicine speaks subtly to the uninitiated but with time you will learn to feel your crystals and their usesn and needs. Crystal companions want to work with you and won't let you down. Ensure you take care of them in return by letting them soak under running water for a few seconds after use, this will cleanse them. {Sage or a bell will also do the job} Place them somewhere they can receive moonlight during a full moon to recharge their energy battery. Lastly, it’s good practice to take crystals off that you wore all day before bed to let them rest. Placing them on a selenite plate will

ensure they are charged and ready to go for the next day! Always Cleanse and recharge. These are your companions so don’t forget to take care of them and they will surely take care of you.

Happy 2022