Using their API documentation , you can register a subscriber to TextDeliver or pass customer data from TextDeliver to any 3rd party service / platform using their API .
Capture Phone Numbers From Your Website
Use this drag and drop form building tool , you can build your responsive mobile list as it was to capture emails in the ‘ old fashioned ’ way .
Add Your Subscribers To A List
Adding your subscribers to a mobile , adding list with Text Deliver is simpler , faster and obviously more effective than using an autoresponder .
Create Unlimited Automated Campaigns
Set up as many lists as you choose , targeting your niches .
Host An Unlimited Number Of Subscribers
You are not charged extra like Aweber , GetResponse etc . for having large subscriber bases , so you can grow your campaigns into the thousands , or hundreds of thousands , without any unexpected fees .
‘ Smart Scheduling ’ Technology
Allows you to deliver your messages when they are more likely to be read .
Use Broadcasts To Make Contact
You have full creative control within the central management system , so at any time , you can monitor and edit any campaign , in any client account .
Uncover In-Depth Insights On Your Marketing Campaigns
Within the dashboard you can drill down for each of your clients and their subscribers , check interaction , when and what they are clicking and tailor your campaigns with expert knowledge .
Send Replies Via Your Dashboard
You will be able to see what people are responding to , over multiple campaigns … so you will be in a unique position to recommend what is working well and cash in on the really well converting campaigns for even better ROI for your clients ( and yourself !)
Expert Integration Options