Be Smarter
Think Faster
Remember Better
…in as little as 12 weeks!
Did you know that targeted mental exercises—done in the right
way—can raise IQ and improve the way the brain thinks, learns, reads,
concentrates and remembers?
One-on-one brain training helps:
• Kids and adults with learning struggles, autism, ADHD and/or
• igh-performing students and successful adults looking for a
competitive edge at school or on the job.
• Seniors wanting to stay sharp, and stroke patients or victims of
traumatic brain injuries (TBI) seeking to regain lost brain function.
Our programs don’t just change brains, they change lives. Call us today
and find out how brain training can change your life or the life of
someone you love.
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for $100 off our
assessment fee!
Call us at 903-487-5959
LearningRx Sherman-Gainesville
1800 N. Travis St., Ste. E
Sherman, TX 75092