Texoma Living Well Magazine November/December 2017 | Page 27

The Answers You need for a Beautiful Smile

Q & A WiTh


The Answers You need for a Beautiful Smile

Dr . John Shoemaker , a general , implant , and cosmetic dentist , has treated the complete dental needs of adults and teenagers for more than 30 years in Sherman , Texas . He has performed implant dentistry in his practice-a special interest- for more than 29 years . In order to achieve the patient ’ s best health , Dr . Shoemaker performs all implant-related procedures in his office . Special attention is given to the importance of not only a beautiful smile but also teeth that will last a lifetime .

Born and raised in Dallas , Texas , Dr . Shoemaker graduated from Hillcrest High School and earned a Bachelor ’ s in biology and a minor in mathematics from Southwestern Adventist University . He continued his education at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry where he received his Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree with special training in oral surgery . Dr . Shoemaker has restored thousands of patient ’ s smiles and dental health . He is a member of the Texas Dental Association , a Diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologist , and a fellow of the world-renowned Misch Implant Institute . He also travels through out the U . S . practicing and perfecting his skill in implant dentistry .
Dr . Shoemaker , why do you have a special interest in dental implants and the complete care of a person ’ s mouth and dental health ? Whether the doctor ’ s specialty involves the mouth , eyes , nose or joints , every doctor wants to make their patient whole again . The doctor ’ s goal is always to restore the patient to perfect function , comfort and a pleasing appearance . Dental implants allow me to do just that . I am able to give patients with poor dental health great function , comfort and gorgeous teeth .
What is an implant ? An implant is a man-made replacement for natural teeth that allows the person to return to fixed teeth . Unlike a transplant , an implant is not taken from another person . There are several categories of dental implants . I select the best type suited for my patient and their general dental condition . My staff and I perform the exam and gather necessary records to decide which type of dental implant benefits my patient the most .
How do implants benefit patients ? Dental implants benefit patients in the following ways :
• Virtually stop the bone resorption process
• Restore mouth to natural state
• Improve appearance and confidence
• Look , feel and function of natural teeth
• Does not compromise adjacent teeth
• Increased stability
• Virtually eliminates pain of dentures and partials
• Improved nutrition
Who can benefit from dental implants ? Anyone with missing , loose or un-restorable teeth may benefit from an implant .
Can implants be placed anywhere in the mouth ? Yes , implants can be used to replace any missing teeth in the mouth .
How will implants affect one ’ s ability to eat and chew ? My patients are able to bite off and chew all types of food . They are able to enjoy the different flavors and tastes of food . If the patient has a denture ( s ), they no longer need to wear denture adhesive or worry about a loose denture because a denture attached to implants does not move !
Can any dentist do implant dentistry ? Yes , provided they have had extensive training and experience . There are different types of dentists that place implants but very few do all the different procedures in one office . I have trained with the world-renowned Misch Implant for the past 21 years and continue to attend training conferences and sessions . I also perform surgeries with the Institute . My experiences enable me to perform all implant-related procedures in my office .
Are implants expensive ? Implant costs vary according to the individual needs and desires of the patient . Every patient we have restored to better dental health states they would spend the money and time again .
How long do implants last ? The implants I place are expected to last the patient ’ s lifetime . Remember these four key points in choosing implant dentistry for future oral health . Dental implants are the :
1 . Treatment option with the best long-term prognosis
2 . Only treatment option that does not compromise the health of adjacent teeth
3 . Only treatment option that preserves bone 4 . Most cost effective treatment
To learn more or to schedule an appointment with Dr . Shoemaker to discuss your dental health needs , please phone 903-893-7751 , email jshoemakerdds @ yahoo . com or visit his website www . johnshoemakerdds . com .
TEXOMA AREA Living Well Magazine | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2017