Texoma Living Well Magazine November/December 2017 | Page 16

It Need not Ruin Your Life

Concussion :

It Need not Ruin Your Life

By Brenda Briscoe , LMT

Concussion is a traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) caused by an injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull . Although there may be cuts or bruises on the head or face , there may be no other visible signs of brain injury .

Some will have obvious symptoms , like passing out or forgetting what happened right before the injury . But others won ’ t . After a concussion , the brain is more sensitive to damage . While recovering , getting consistent sleep and avoiding re-injury is important . Repeated concussions or a severe concussion may lead to long-lasting problems with movement , learning , or speaking .
Studies are being done to gain understanding of the short and long term effects . Recent clinical studies indicate that , in adolescents , boys recover more quickly than girls . Mice studies have revealed that , even when there are no outward symptoms , repeated concussions have long-lasting cumulative effects . We need to know more about the effects of repeated concussions , especially for young athletes , but the mouse data support the idea that the effects are cumulative and the consequences are real .
In children , rather than the younger brain being more “ plastic ” and better able to bounce back from concussion , early insults may result in longer recovery time and can impact later development . Undeveloped or developing skills , particularly executive control processes , are considered particularly vulnerable .
What are some ways to a quicker than normal recovery ? In previous editions , you ’ ve read articles on LED Phototherapy and Bowen Therapy .
LED therapy is similar to laser , but uses pulsing and diffuse , rather than coherent , light . Near-infrared wavelengths are especially effective at draining lymphatic fluid accumulated in the brain from a concussive injury . Anodyne Therapy LEDs have been cleared by the FDA for increasing blood and lymphatic circulation , and decreasing pain , swelling and inflammation .
Some herbal remedies can enhance recovery . Gingko Biloba , known for penetrating the blood brain barrier , can increase memory , concentration , and blood flow . 30-40 Milligrams of this herb brewed as a tea can be consumed for about 4-6 weeks . 40- 120 Milligrams can also be taken orally in powdered form or a tincture 2 to 3 times a day .
St . John ’ s Wort has anti-inflammatory properties . 900-1800 Milligrams of it can be consumed orally every day . For children , the dosage used in clinical trials has been 150-1800 milligrams .
Arnica Montana is great to have on hand for many applications . Known for reducing inflammation , pain , and bruising , it ’ s one of the herbs used as a remedy for concussion . Arnica ointment can be applied to the base of the skull or temples . It can also be taken as a tincture or , if taking it as homeopathic pills , one can take 4 pills or pellets every 2 hours during the first 24 hours of the concussive incident .
At Living Well Health & Wellness , we ’ ve seen concussion cases with more severe symptoms . A high school student , injured in a sporting event , could not pay attention in class , had daily headaches , mood swings , trouble sleeping , reading difficulties , and a general malaise . After two treatments , his headaches and mood swings were gone , he was able to sleep and pay attention in class , and he had a much happier mood , allowing him to participate in school and family life again .
Another client , a 51-year-old woman who experienced an auto accident a couple months before coming for treatment , had the following severe concussion symptoms :
• Inability to stay awake for nearly two weeks without great effort
• brain fog , affecting her clarity of thought
• memory loss
• slurred speech
• complete exhaustion on demand without warning , affecting her ability to drive
• Severe and debilitating migraines
• Inability to sit very long and work at a computer
Her physician told her it could take 9 months to a year to recover and return to normal . After receiving 4 weekly Bowen and LED Phototherapy treatments , she was sleeping through the night , thinking clearly and having better recall . Her speech was no longer slurred except when exhausted . And with maintenance sessions , she gets a rare mild headache .
The recent movie Concussion revealed how tragic a life can become when repeated concussions cause severe symptoms that negatively affect brain health , where the person can no longer function normally within their family or hold down a job .
Other answers for recovery from TBIs can be found in alternative health . These few are presented as examples of help outside the traditional medical model if you ’ ve been given no hope or instructions other than to take pain meds and just “ wait and watch the symptoms .”
Brenda Briscoe is a licensed massage therapist with 17 years of experience with an emphasis on pain recovery using Bowen Therapy and LED Light Therapy . She is one of very few practitioners in the DFW metroplex using both of these therapies together . Call Brenda at 972-930-0260 to discover how these amazing modalities can change your life .
14 TEXOMA AREA Living Well Magazine | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2017