Texoma Living Well Magazine July/August 2017 | Page 16

FIVE Shocking Summer Eye Health Risks I t’s summer and like most people, you’ll be spending more time out- side. The warm weather is perfect for spending time with your loved ones at picnics, swimming pools, festivals, and many other outdoor events. Summer is additionally when eye doctors, such as Key-Whitman Eye Center’s Dallas optometrist Amanda Hoelscher, see more patients seeking treatment for eye redness, pain and ir- ritation. Don’t take unnecessary risks with your family’s eyes. Dr. Hoelscher lists the top five culprits that endanger eye health during these summer months and tells what you can do to avoid them. ONE: The sun. You have presumably heard how UV rays harm skin, and you probably use sunscreen yours and your children’s skin to avoid skin cancer. Be that as it may, how diligent would you say you are about shielding your eyes from UV rays? If you have children, do you en- sure they put on their sunglasses be- fore heading outside? Sun damage to the eyes can prompt genuine complications, including per- manent vision loss. As Dr. Hoelscher explains, “UV exposure can cause harm to the front and back of the eyes and cause lasting retinal issues, eyelid cancers and surface issues like pte- rygiums – or surfer’s eye – where a growth of fleshy tissue appears on the clear covering over the white part of the eye.” Subsequently, Dr. Hoelscher firmly thinks wearing sunglasses with UV protection ought to be required for 14 Courtesy Key-Whitman Eye Center all ages during outdoor activities, be- cause the risks are genuine, common and begin at an early age. According to a study distributed by the American Journal of Ophthalmol- ogy on UV-related eye disease and damage in children, researchers dis- covered sun damage in the eyes of 29 percent of children ages 9 to 11 and 81 percent of teens ages 12 to 15. “Consumers have been well edu- cated on the importance of wearing sunscreen, but they’re not so savvy when it comes to wearing sunglasses. In fact, one of the vision care insur- ance providers Key-Whitman accepts, VSP, conducted a survey that revealed while 82 percent of parents make their kids wear sunscreen, only 32 percent require their kids to wear sunglasses. The high rate of early sun damage in children’s eyes should make parents pause,” Dr. Hoeslcher says. TWO: Being at the Water Parks, Swimming Pools, or the Lake. Numerous dangers wait at these ex- citing spots where water and other individuals are everywhere. Chlorine, bacteria and lack of good hygiene can transform an awesome day into a trip to the eye doctor’s office, due to red, itchy, infected eyes. As Dr. Hoelscher explains, “During summer, bodies of water can teem with bacterial and viral eye infections, which can infect the eyes. Long-expo- sure to chlorine can also lead to eye ir- ritation, so be sure to limit exposure to chlorine and use artificial tears to flush eyes and combat chlorine toxicity.” Another regular issue at public swim- ming pools and water parks? Sharing towels. “Many people share towels at TEXOMA AREA Living Well Magazine | JULY/AUGUST 2017 swimming pools, which isn’t a good idea. If someone with an eye infec- tion rubs their face with a towel, that infection can easily be passed on to someone else who uses the same tow- el. Don’t share towels,” says Dr. Hoel- scher. THREE: Amped up screen time. Amid summer get-aways, people have a tendency to spend invest more time on personal devices, such as tablets and smartphones. Simply consider those long car trips to grandmother’s home or any travel by air to a faraway destination. Excessive screen time such as these can prompt eye discomfort for some. Taking frequent screen breaks and keeping artificial tears close-by for eye strain relief can work wonders. According to Dr. Hoelscher, “Increased exposure to digital screens can lead to what we refer to in our industry as dig- ital eye strain. The eyes receive more exposure to blue light, which can be fatiguing. In addition, many people experience a decreased blink rate, which can increase dry eye symptoms and surface irritation. Your eye doc- tor can provide insight on treatments available for dry eye problems.” FOUR: The wind. You don’t normally think of the wind being harmful but extended periods of time in a windy environment can wreak havoc on the eyes. “Wind dries out the surface of the eyes, which can lead to redness and pain. Some people even end up with eye infections due to wind exposure. Con- sider wearing wraparound sunglasses to protect eyes and use eye drops to flush out irritants,” Dr. Hoelscher says.