Texoma Area Living Well Magazine September/October 2022 | Page 4

How VIA Disc NP Works


Treatment for Discogenic Low Back Pain

How can intervertebral discs degenerate ?
Intervertebral discs can deteriorate through normal aging and injury , causing dehydration , flattening , and loss of natural cushioning . Just like grapes lose water over time and turn into raisons , your intervertebral discs undergo a similar dehydration process . This process leaves your discs vulnerable to motion stress , strains your spinal nerves , and can result in lower back pain .
What is VIA Disc NP ?
VIA Disc NP is intended for use as an allograft to supplement degenerated intervertebral discs . An allograft is tissue recovered from a human cadaveric donor that is transferred to a human recipient . VIA Disc NP consists of dehydrated nucleus pulposus particulate derived from the intervertebral disc region of the donor . The nucleus pulposus particulate is mixed together with saline and delivered into your intervertebral disc during a non-surgical spinal procedure .

How VIA Disc NP Works

Age-related wear and tear of the intervertebral disc can cause loss of hydration and degeneration .
VIA Disc NP is delivered into the degenerated intervertebral disc through a 22G spine needle .
After delivery , VA Disc NP supplements the degenerated intervertebral disc .
What to expect with VIA Disc NP ?
The nucleus pulposus particulate is mixed together with saline for delivery into your intervertebral disc . Intravenous antibiotics may be given before the VIA Disc NP Procedure to reduce risk of infection .
The VIA Disc NP procedure is performed under strict sterile conditions . The VIA Disc NP procedure can be performed under local anesthesia or moderate sedation may be recommended by your physician . A procedure involving your pain-generating intervertebral disc can be painful .
During the procedure , your physician will use fluoroscopy ( a computer tomography scan that continues to take images during the procedure so that the physician can see where the needle is going ).