Texas Writers Journal Quarterly April 2016 | Page 3


…an annual competition and quarterly publication that encourages and recognizes work from the multitude of talented writers in Texas.

Each book is filled with works by finalists in fiction, non-fiction and poetry. These are previously unpublished works submitted by Texas writers and selected by panels of Texas readers to compete in our Annual Writers Competition.

Our quarterly publication is a bit more than just a book. It is an opportunity to participate in the Texas writing community.

Within these pages are works from finalists participating in our Annual Competition, as a subscriber, you have the opportunity to vote and submit comments on these selections. Votes and comments received from our readers help determine the winners of our annual competition

We have also included plenty of pictures, random tidbits of knowledge and space to hopefully invoke some thoughts and inspire you to utilize this book as your own personal journal. So enjoy reading through these selections, vote, write and join us in our growing Texas literary community. Participate in Texas Writing history.

For voting instructions and information on how to enter our contest, please see the back pages of this magazine or visit our website
