Hi everybody, it's been a week since the last time we talked folks. On today’s edition I am glad to say I have dig into a matter of great interest and importance. As you know, I’ m a proud texan, born in the suburbs of Austin, Texas, my state and pride. I have noticed in the last few weeks how information and propaganda can affect people’s choice and what
they think of certain issue. This is totally wrong, but is something the government expects of each one of us. Not today cowboy! In today’s column, I’m going to share my highlights of the Federal Bank Reserve, we’re gonna’ break through some important aspects of economy, how it affects us, and what y'all can do to take care of your fortune.
Next, I have several points I would like you to remember. Don’t forget that an economy depends upon the decisions made by the State and by you.
-The economy is arbitrated
-Money does not grow on trees
-Damaged money is no longer money
-Inflation depends on the demand and not on government’s will
Alright folks, the first thing that caught my attention in my visit was the way government influenced the market. It is important for you to understand how our economy is structured.
Banks are created to regulate the use of money; there are private banks and federal reserves or banks owned by the State. They both try to balance the flow of money in the country. The first thing is recommend you, is to be an informed citizen, never give your money to banks that offer a high interest rate.
Why? If you ask for a loan, the profit you’ll make out of the investment will not surpass the debt you have with the bank because of the interest rates. BANK wins.
Next thing, y'all have to always compare prices and check out cost-benefit so companies won’t fool you with discounts and offers.
Part of the trickery stores use to fool you include the inflation of prices before a big discount is offered.
Remember, the utility of an item will never change depending of its cost, check out quality, not quantity. YOU win.
Other thing folks, as I said before, money isn’t something you can grow in your backyard, make wise choices when spending your money, don’t be victims of consumerism. Last but not least, if you ever find out of a forgery o a false bill, don’t hesitate of taking it to the Federal Reserve Bank, they are in charge of taking care of damaged bills and fake bills.
Well mate, we have reached the end of today’s article, hope ya’ll use some of these to take care of your precious greens, see ya’ next week cowboy.
Sergeant Wilson
Spying on: The Federal Reserve Bank
by Sargeant Wilson