Texas Oil & Gas Magazine Vol 4 Issue 1 | Page 24

CLICK TO JOIN OUR COMMUNITY: March 25-26, 2015 | Houston | Texas A thorough understanding of the physical phenomenon occurring in the reservoir, leads to greater insight when analyzing production data, and predicting changes in production behavior as completion methods are altered. What this means is that high-density fracture stages that accelerate depletion of a reservoir may not optimize the value in these wells. If we can achieve the same recovery with lower capital expenditure by designing well completions for less initial production, but also lower decline rates, we can push production into the future, where we may expect oil prices to increase. Why is the Reservoir Engineering for Unconventional Oil & Gas Congress important in the current low oil price environment? the performance of the base production forecast significantly impacts the production exit rate at the end of the year, as new wells are not being brought online to replace the natural decline of existing wells. What follows is a necessary increase in the accuracy of long-term performance forecasts of unconventional wells. A low price environment causes lower capital budgets for E&Ps, and less wells drilled and completed with a given time frame. This leads to a greater contribution of any individual project to a company’s production, and errors in forecasting production performance can cause a greater amount of skew from planning estimates. In contrast, as operators drill more wells in a high-price, high-activity environment, errors in forecasts, both high and low, often average out (law of large numbers). With a lower capital spend, Early-time forecasts can be quite accurate, due to the large number of wells that have been drilled over the past few years, for which we have much data regarding the period of several months after initial production. Ironically, some of the older wells are not particularly useful for modeling newer wells. The first wells in a new play will perform differently the those drilled in a development operation - there is an issue of long transitionary flow regimes in unbounded reservoirs for these first wells, juxtaposed against inter-well David Fulford Senior Reservoir Engineer Apache Corporation interference for those wells which follow. An incorrect extrapolation of this shortterm performance leads to a greater differen