I was always a big fan of Wonder Woman! Growing up, I would not miss a single episode! I truly believed I had Wonder Woman's powers. Nothing was impossible for me. Heck, I was 5 years old...but what happens to us as adults? We begin to doubt and lose our confidence in ourselves. Fear sets in...fear of rejection, fear of success, fear of failure, etc...But we have to remember that these are simply false beliefs! We must remember the battlefield is actually in your mind...it is not with those of this world...it begins in your Mindset. So then you have to change your mindset. Remove the Poison Ivy from your life...what does that poison look like? It can be simply described as anything that manifests itself into Fear! Remove yourself from all Negativity: relationships, work, past experiences, etc. How do we begin this process? The ABC's of Entering the Battlefield: The First step is ADMISSION: Admitting that your life has some negativity, whether it be a poor relationship or past experience that you have allowed to manifest into a Fear. Admitting to yourself that you were created for more and too many times we become comfortable in just existing instead of living. The Second Step is BELIEVING: Believing in Yourself and Believing that you are in charge of your life. I know what you are thinking, "I have heard this so many times, Jennifer." But remember that 5 year old little girl who knew she had the same Powers as Wonder Woman! Believe and Become her again! The Third Step is Challenge: Challenge yourself daily to remove the false beliefs and fears in your life. The reason we use "Challenge" is because this is the most Active and longest part of the Process! It is a daily renewing of your mind which is a challenge. It is a Challenge because it isn't Easy...If it were easy wouldn't everyone be happy with their life and it would be easy making their dreams come true...life would be simple. But it's not! It's Not Easy, It's a Challenge! But remember you can Win these Challenges!! It is up to you!! So Take the reigns in your mind and daily make each of these steps a part of your life...Change the Battlefield into your Victory Dance! Raise your Flag and Good Luck!! --J.Larivey
The BattleField
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