Texas Oil & Gas Magazine Vol 3 Issue 1 | Page 6

8 What is Sour Gas? Poison in the Oilfield 22 Texas Oilfield Wives & Families 28 Going the Distance, Bless Oilfield Services 34 A Special Tribute, George P. Mitchell Dear Colleagues, This month we have featured many entrepreneurial spirited people. We start by saying our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Mr. George P. Mitchell, the Father of Fracking. He left a legacy that will always shine brightly not only in the Oil & Gas Industry but also on this earth. His passion for science and love is portrayed in the foundation that he and the late Mrs. Cynthia Woods Mitchell started. Look for our next issue as we journey into the passion of the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation. Congratulations to DeLaune Drilling Services on their 50th Anniversay! Mr. RB Garza, founder of Bless Oilfield Services is a great entrepreneur who knows it takes hard work & dedication. Texas Oil & Gas Magazine is honored to know so many in the oil & gas industry with this same entrepreneurial spirit and don’t forget to reach out for your DREAMS and PASSION!! 38 STEER: The Bridge Between S. Texas and the Oil Industry 40 Oilfield Housing Solutions...A Great Need in Texas 42 DeLaune Drilling Service, Celebrating 50 Years 58 TOG Marketplace Blessings, Jennifer Larivey, Publisher Jennifer Harvey-Larivey Publisher Chandler Harvey Liz Worley Pearl leStrade Jennifer Larivey Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Editor/Staff Writer Daniel Garza Designer Philip Wade 361.558.1909 Liz Worley 361.523.9402 Office 210.853.0213 Texas Oil & Gas Magazine is published monthly. Subscription Rates: 1 year (12 issues), US $99; 2 years (24 issues), US $159. Single copies are US $15 (prepayment required). Advertising rates furnished upon request. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Texas Oil & Gas Magazine, 4229 Sierra St., Corpus Christi, TX 78410. Telephone: 210.853.0213 Copyright © Texas Oil & Gas Magazine 2013. Texas Oil & Gas Magazine reserves all rights to editorial matter in this magazine. No article maybe reproduced or transmitted in whole or in parts by any means without permission of the publisher. Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means and imposes fines of up to $25,000 for violations. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein and the reliability of the source, the publisher in no way guarantees nor warrants the information and is not responsible for errors, omissions, or statements made by advertisers. Opinions and recommendations made by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher, affiliates, or colleagues. Visit us at www.texasoilgasmagazine.com. Texas Oil & Gas Magazine Page 6 For Advertising and Comments Call 210.853.0213