Texas CEO Magazine July|August 2014 | Page 6

contributors “It’s amazing how many people who have been extremely successful in their business careers fail when they get to the CEO chair.” Joel Trammell is author of The CEO Tightrope (September 2014), and CEO of Khorus, which provides business management software for executives. His leadership as a CEO has resulted in successful nine-figure acquisitions by two Fortune 500 companies. “Kinks, however, are starting to show in China’s ability to be the dominant player in manufacturing in the years to come.” Lee Mulkey is the Founder and CEO of ALM Company, an advisory firm serving global manufacturers, distributors and marketing organizations. Lee has served as President and CEO of three global companies and earned his BBA from University of Texas at Arlington and MBA in International Business from the University of Dallas. “The classic manufacturing operation is no longer a commodity but the controlling nexus of the product/design supply chain.” F. Barry Lawrence is the Director of the Global Supply Chain Laboratory at the Industrial Distribution Department at Texas A&M University