Texas CEO Magazine July|August 2014 | Page 10

executive education DEPT by Art Markman REAL INFLUENCE IS ABOUT BEHAVIOR CHANGE Five Tools for Lasting Results Any successful company has to be able to influence people. Employees need to share a common vision to work together to promote the company’s mission. Customers need to develop routines to engage with the company’s products and services on a regular basis. When you think about influence, you probably focus on the messages you send to others. Are you framing the company’s mission in the right way? Are you engaging with consumers in ways that promote the benefits of your company? Ask yourself a key question: When was the last time someone simply told you something that changed your behavior? Chances are that there are very few (if any) instances in your own life in which your behavior was changed just by an idea, statement, or argument. You may hear something 10 Texas CEO Magazine Discuss. Learn. Lead. that is energizing, but really changing your behavior requires more than energy. Think about your behavior. Each year around New Years (or perhaps a birthday or some other important date), you take stock of your life, and you may even resolve to make a change in your behavior. Most people who make these resolutions sustain their new behavior for a few weeks, and then they return to their old habits, only to reconsider that resolution again the following year. Just telling yourself to do something did not lead to lasting change. Lasting change comes from a focused effort that engages your motivational system to replace an old and undesirable behavior with a new and desirable one. There are five sets of tools you can use in this effort. Optimize Your Goals Goals are the desired states of the world that