Teva Respiratory Orientation Guide June 2014 | Page 18

Respiratory Orientation GuideQX8_Layout 1 11/20/10 8:31 AM Page 22 Week 2 cont’d. Day Read Complete & Memorize: Thursday Hendeles: Current Concepts: Withdrawal of Albuterol Inhalers Containing Chloroflurocarbon Propellants Gabrio: Zeidler: Friday A new Method to evaluate plume characteristics of hydrofluoroalkane and chlorofluorocarbon metered dose inhalers Review ProAir HFA Core Detail Aid Memorize Back Page Pro Air HFA Core Detail Aid Hydrofluoroalkane formulations of inhaled corticosteroids for the treatment of asthma Fairfax: Friday Final Assessment The relative clinical effectiveness of HFA BDP and Fluticasone Proprionate in asthma New hires must have a 90% or better on this exam. Home Study Assessment Log on: The assessment will be available online at a date and time to be determined. Please speak with your manager for specific information on accessing the assessment. Note: Participation in Sales School I requires successful completion with a passing score of 90% or better on the assessment. Please follow the direction of your Regional Manager regarding field time until you are notified regarding your training dates. You will be notified of the sales training specifics shortly. 22 © 2010 TEVA Respiratory. All rights reserved.