Teva Respiratory Orientation Guide June 2014 | Page 16

Respiratory Orientation GuideQX8_Layout 1 11/20/10 8:31 AM Page 20 Week 1 Day Read Watch Answer Monday RM Orientation Tuesday Module 1: The Respiratory System Chapter I: Anatomy and Physiology of Breathing Chapter II: Pulmonary Defenses DVD titled “Asthma: One Breath at a Time” Review Questions Self-Assessment Post-Test Wednesday Module 2: Pathophysiology of Asthma Chapter I: Disease Overview Chapter II: Pathophysiology DVD titled “A Novel Asthma Care Solution” Review Questions Self-Assessment Post-Test Thursday Module 3: Management of Obstructive Airway Disease Chapter I: Diagnosing Asthma Chapter II: Managing Obstructive Airway Disease DVD titled “Inhalation Aerosol” ProAir Plume Video (USB Drive) Review Questions Self Assessment Post Test Friday Module 4: QVAR HFA Chapter I: QVAR Product Information Chapter II: QVAR Inhalation Aerosol Annotated Prescribing Information Chapter III: Competative Inhaled Corticosteroid Products and Leukotriene Inhibitors 20 Review Questions Self Assessment Post Test OPTIONAL: Right Lung Dissection Click on - Thorax, Lungs, Video Review and Memorize SABA portion of Competitive Grid Friday Anatomy and Physiology Exam New hires must have a 90% or better on this exam. © 2010 TEVA Respiratory. All rights reserved.