Teva Respiratory Orientation Guide June 2014 | Page 13

Respiratory Orientation GuideQX8_Layout 1 11/20/10 8:31 AM Page 17 Training Expectations Welcome new representative! Teva Respiratory Training is a fast paced, high energy, representative focused environment. We pride ourselves on delivering knowledge, inspiring passion and cultivating sales abilities to develop the industry’s top respiratory sales representatives. In an effort to provide you with the best training experience possible please review the following rules of engagement. 1. Come to Sales School I with the proper attitude for learning. 2. Be on time - all of the time. 3. Turn off ALL cell phones/Blackberries in class. 4. Be prepared to role play and work in a group environment. 5. Be respectful of everyone and oneself. 6. Sales School I will have tests, video role plays and other forms of assessment. 7. There will be a 90% required score on all assessments. 8. Read and be familiar with ALL clinicals in the Refe ɕ