Testno nešto prvi | Page 9

8. Factors hampering product and process innovation activities 8.1 During the three years 2008 to 2010, how important were the following factors in preventing your enterprise from innovating or in hampering your innovation activities? Degree of importance High Medium Low Factor not experienced Lack of funds within your enterprise or group Lack of finance from sources outside your enterprise Innovation costs too high Cost factors Knowledge factors Lack of qualified personnel Lack of information on technology Lack of information on markets Difficulty in finding cooperation partners for innovation Market factors Market dominated by established enterprises Uncertain demand for innovative goods or services Reasons not to innovate No need due to prior innovations by your enterprise No need because of no demand for innovations 9. Organisational innovation An organisational innovation is a new organisational method in your enterprise’s business practices (including knowledge management), workplace organisation or external relations that has not been previously used by your enterprise. • • It must be the result of strategic decisions taken by management. Exclude mergers or acquisitions, even if for the first time. 9.1 During the three years 2008 to 2010, did your enterprise introduce: Yes New business practices for organising procedures (i.e. supply chain management, business reengineering, knowledge management, lean production, quality management, etc) New methods of organising work responsibilities and decision making (i.e. first use of a new system of employee responsibilities, team work, decentralisation, integration or de-integration of departments, education/training systems, etc) New methods of organising external relations with other firms or public institutions (i.e. first use of alliances, partnerships, outsourcing or sub-contracting, etc) If no to all options, go to section 10. Otherwise, go to question 9.2 No