Testament Magazine 1 | Page 28

What do you believe?

What do you REALLY believe?

Over the near 20 years that I have been involved in the local church, I’ve come to realize that – when the rubber meets the road – most Christians don’t know exactly how to answer that question.

I believe in God. Yes, but in one God or many?

I believe in Jesus. Yes, but so does Satan.

I believe that God loved the world so much that He sent Jesus to save us. Absolutely true, but what do we need saving from?

As I’ve been in vocational ministry for the last ten years, the things that we would consider essential for and exclusive to Christianity have been marginalized to the extent that the average person sitting in the pew may truly identify as a Christian, but be so far off the mark that the day of their death – or Christ’s return, should he not tarry – will not go well for them.

This isn’t meant to scare anyone, per se, but there is a reason Jesus says, “The road is narrow and few find it” (Matthew 7:14), and, “Not everyone who calls me ‘Lord’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 7:21).

The purpose of this magazine and all of ministry is an attempt to lower the numbers of those with false assurances, those who miss the narrow road.

In order to be counted amongst the few, one must know God – the One True God, Father, Son, and Spirit. God reveals Himself through His Word, both in text and made flesh (Jesus). As followers of Christ, we must be studiers of that Word, studiers of God.

Every Christian is a theologian!

Theology is the study of God. We were made for Him – for His glory and His fellowship. He isn’t in need, but He is in want of His people – His Bride – the Church.

That has not changed since creation, and it will not change until His return.

So, the confusing question is then this: Why is biblical literacy and theology on the backburner of so many churchgoers?

That is the question I want to address…and, prayerfully, correct. Theology is the most important part of this life. But not just head-knowledge theology. Practical Theology. Studying the character and mysteries of God so that it impacts the way we think, act, and live.

"I believe in Jesus. Yes, but so does Satan."