Test VRanger | Page 28

28 Chapter 3 System Requirements And Compatibility   3.4.1.b The VMs must be using basic disks. Dynamic disks are not supported The VMs must use an MBR partition. GPT partitions are not supported. HotAdd Disk Requirements When using the HotAdd transport, the following disk restrictions and requirements apply.  HotAdd only works on SCSI disks. IDE disks and vRDMs are not supported. HotAdd cannot be used if the VMFS block size of the datastore containing the virtual machine folder for the target virtual machine does not match the VMFS block size of the datastore containing the vRanger VM. For example, if you back up a virtual disk on a datastore with 1MB blocks, the proxy must also be on a datastore with 1MB blocks.  3.4.2 Dynamic disks are not supported  GPT partitions are not supported Password Security Setting Policy Weak passwords compromise system security. When you create and update passwords in vRanger, follow as many of these guidelines as your environment allows:  A password should not include a significant portion of a user or account name. A password should be at least six characters long and should contain several characters from these categories:   Lowercase letters in English (a-z)  Digits (0-9)  3.4.3 Uppercase letters in English (A-Z) Non-alphabetic characters (for example, $, !, #, %) Port Requirements The table below lists the ports used by each of the vRanger components. Port Number Protocol Direction 21 TCP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to FTP Repository 22 TCP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to SFTP Repository vRanger to ESX4 Host vRanger to VA VA to VA 53 TCP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to DNS Server 137 TCP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to CIFS Repository 137 UDP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to CIFS Repository 138 UDP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to CIFS Repository 139 TCP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to CIFS Repository 443 TCP vRanger and VA to ESX hosts vRanger and VA to vCenter 445 TCP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to CIFS Repository vRanger to VA 902 TCP vRanger to Hosts VA to Hosts 2049 TCP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to NFS Repository 2049 UDP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to NFS Repository 37453 TCP vRanger/VA/ESX4 Host to NVSD Repository 51000 TCP Physical Backup - physical server to vRanger