I Volunteered for This?! Life on an Archaeological Dig
Patti O’Connor
Patti O’Connor
Dig headquarters—strategy center for the
The camp cook in his kitchen.
A Manual of Field Excavation Handbook for Field Archaeologists,
edited by William G. Dever and H. Darrell Lance (New York: Hebrew Union
College—Jewish Institute of Religion, 1978), a thorough introduction to
modern excavation and recording techniques.
… AND psychologically
Whatever you read beforehand, however, go into the summer with an open
mind, prepared to encounter new ideas and to learn some new methods.
Plan to make the most of your digging experience whatever the structure
of the project. Even if it does not include a formal educational program, consider yourself a student and determine to learn as much as you can. On the
other hand, if you join a field school-type project, do not think of it as you would
a classroom course. Consider the dig more as an internship training opportunity
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